Pro Show 2024 - Tokyo

IFBB Professional League × FWJ
VEATM Presents Tokyo Pro Super Show 2024

Sun. August 25th, 2024
open:10:00 a.m.
Start:12:00 p.m.

Bellesalle Shibuya Garden
First basement floor
16-17 Nanpeidai-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo


Registerdeadline:August 15th



  • Contest Crown Sponsor [VEATM].
    “THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN BEAT ME IS ME.” concept, a training wear brand that makes you look forward to wearing it.
  • All tickets for the 25th are sold out.
  • Total prize money: $30.000
    Women’s Bikini prize money: $10.000
    Men’s Physique prize money: $10.000
    Classic Physique prize money: $10.000
  • Athlete check-in is scheduled for the afternoon of August 24 After check-in, we will hold "Meet the Tokyo Pro," a meet-and-greet with fans.
  • One ticket to the TOKYO PRO SUPER SHOW and one backstage pass will be included for each professional athlete participating.
  • On the day of August 25th, the Athlete will meet as follows
    Bikini : 11:00 a.m. in the waiting room
    Men’s Physique : 11:30 a.m. in the waiting room
    Classic Physique : 12:00 p.m./Noon in the waiting room
  • 【official tanning】
    Official tanning salons are listed at the bottom of the page Inquiries should be made by individual athletes.
  • Please apply to the
    IFBB PROFESSIONAL LEAGUE Headquarters for entry.
Date Sun. August 25th, 2024
Open 10:00 a.m.
Start 12:00 p.m.
Athlete Meeting TBD
Venue Bellesalle Shibuya Garden
First basement floor
16-17 Nanpeidai-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Map
  • Women's Bikini
  • Men's Physique
  • Men's Classic Physique
Tanning lotion and Oils
  • The salons listed are official. Please contact the linked salons by yourself.
    List of companies that support this contest

    • Vogue
    • V Shape
    • arrows
    • ANY
    • ELLENA
    • Rack-Tan-Tokyo
  • Do not get the venue dirty.
  • Do not throw away garbage on the day at the venue.
  • Please handle with careful handling of valuables etc.
  • In case of theft, loss, damage, etc., we can not assume any responsibility.


2024年8月25日 [ 日 ]
open:10:00 a.m.
Start:12:00 p.m.






  • Contest Crown Sponsor [VEATM].
    “THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN BEAT ME IS ME.” concept, a training wear brand that makes you look forward to wearing it.
  • All tickets for the 25th are sold out.
  • Total prize money: $30.000
    Women’s Bikini prize money: $10.000
    Men’s Physique prize money: $10.000
    Classic Physique prize money: $10.000
  • Athlete check-in is scheduled for the afternoon of August 24 After check-in, we will hold "Meet the Tokyo Pro," a meet-and-greet with fans.
  • One ticket to the TOKYO PRO SUPER SHOW and one backstage pass will be included for each professional athlete participating.
  • On the day of August 25th, the Athlete will meet as follows
    Bikini : 11:00 a.m. in the waiting room
    Men’s Physique : 11:30 a.m. in the waiting room
    Classic Physique : 12:00 p.m./Noon in the waiting room
  • 【official tanning】
    Official tanning salons are listed at the bottom of the page Inquiries should be made by individual athletes.
  • Please apply to the
    IFBB PROFESSIONAL LEAGUE Headquarters for entry.
Date 2024年8月25日 [ 日 ]
Open 10:00 a.m.
Start 12:00 p.m.
Athlete Meeting TBD
会場 ベルサール渋谷ガーデン
東京都渋谷区南平台町16-17 Map
  • Women's Bikini
  • Men's Physique
  • Men's Classic Physique


  • 館内での飲食はご遠慮ください。
  • ゴミは各自お持ち帰り下さいますようお願い致します。
  • 無許可での館内での商業行為は固く禁止します。
  • コンテスト運営を妨げる行為や、スポーツマンシップを逸脱した行為など、発見次第退場処分とさせていただく場合がございます。
  • 貴重品等の取扱いには十分お気を付け下さい。盗難や紛失、破損等があった際の一切の責任は負いかねます。

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